This is data from the UK adverse event reporting system published by the MHRA YELLOW CARD REPORTING SYSTEM UP TO 30th March 2022
(Data published 7th April 2022)
We have five senses that connect us to our beautiful world.
Any loss of these senses denies us our experience.
We are compiling special focus data on each.
Each sense is not only crucial for our well being but is needed for navigating our environment.
Below represents the data of some of the TASTE RELATED REACTIONS recorded, not forgetting the MHRA/VAERS institutions themselves have admitted that under 10% of people report adverse reactions.

Below represents TASTE RELATED ADVERSE EFFECTS experienced, not exhaustively listed.
Benign Neoplasms - Mouth & Tongue Cysts/Polyps - 12 (Pfizer) + 22 (AZ) = 34
Dental Pain & Sensation Disorders - 255 (Pfizer) + 445 (AZ) + 47 (Moderna) = 747
Dysphagia (swallowing) - 241 (Pfizer) + 306 (AZ) + 34 (Moderna) = 581
Oesophageal Spasm - 5 (Pfizer) + 9 (AZ) = 14
Gingival Disorders incl. blisters, oedema, pain, swelling, ulceration & pruritus - 231 (Pfizer) + 393 (AZ) + 33 (Moderna) = 657
Gingival Bleeding - 83 (Pfizer) + 184 (AZ) + 14 (Moderna) = 281
Nausea & Vomiting - 20,665 (Pfizer) + 45,552 (AZ) + 6413 (Moderna) = 72,630
Altered Oral Saliva & Dryness - 658 (Pfizer) + 1356 (AZ) + 129 (Moderna) = 2143
Oral Haemorrhages - 44 (Pfizer) + 121 (AZ) = 8 (Moderna) = 173
Oral Soft Tissue Symptoms incl. scabs, eruptions, blisters, burning, pain & discolouration - 1964 (Pfizer) + 2272 (AZ) + 228 (Moderna) = 4524
Oral Soft Tissue Swelling & Oedema - 1026 (Pfizer) + 1184 (AZ) + 237 (Moderna) = 2447
Salivary Gland Pain, Enlargement, Infection & Inflammation - 42 (Pfizer) + 43 (AZ) + 10 (Moderna) = 95
Stomatitis & Ulceration - 636 (Pfizer) + 973 (AZ) + 111 (AZ) = 1720
Tongue Disorders - 122 (Pfizer) + 107 (AZ) + 22 (Moderna) = 251
Tongue Symptoms incl. stiffness, swollen, blisters, dryness, spasm & erythema - 1012 (Pfizer) + 1169 (AZ) + 151 (Moderna) = 2332
Oral Candidiasis - 41 (Pfizer) + 64 (AZ) + 6 (Moderna) = 111
Dental & Oral Soft Tissue Infections - 65 (Pfizer) + 109 (AZ) + 7 (Moderna) = 181
Oral Herpes - 341 (Pfizer) + 725 (AZ) + 93 (Moderna = 1159
Mumps Viral Infection - 9 (Pfizer) + 13 (AZ) + 1 (Moderna) = 23
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections involving tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis & throat abscess - 220 (Pfizer) + 178 (AZ) + 28 (Moderna) = 426
Pain In Jaw - 435 (Pfizer) + 635 (AZ) + 98 (Moderna) = 1168
Appetite Decreased - 1514 (Pfizer) + 6501 (AZ) + 419 (Moderna) = 8434
Facial Nerve Disorder incl paralysis & spasms - 1290 (Pfizer) + 1241 (AZ) + 180 (Moderna) = 2711
** Cranial Nerves VIIth (facial), IXth (glossopharyngeal), Xth (vagus) & XIIth (hypoglossal) innervate the tongue
Tongue Paralysis - 1 (Pfizer) + 6 (AZ) + 1 (Moderna) = 8
Tongue Biting - 8 (Pfizer) + 10 (AZ) + 2 (Moderna) = 20
Taste Disorder - 314 (Pfizer) + 530 (AZ) + 51 (Moderna) = 895
For full reports including 350 pages of specific reaction listings -