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  • Writer's pictureMark Playne


This is data from the UK adverse event reporting system published by the MHRA YELLOW CARD REPORTING SYSTEM UP TO 23RD MAR 2022

(Data published 31st Mar 2022)

We have five senses that connect us to our beautiful world.

Any loss of these senses denies us our experience.

We are compiling special focus data on each.

  1. Sight

  2. Hearing

  3. Taste

  4. Touch

  5. Smell

Each sense is not only crucial for our well being but is needed for navigating our environment.

Deafness not only isolates people, it incurs uneducated responses as people associate deafness with being stupid, made famous by the idiom "Does he take sugar?"

Anyone who has drunk too much knows how losing the ability to keep balance is not only disabling but becomes illegal when it comes to driving or operating machines.

Tinnitus and the associated constant ringing in the ears can put pressure on mental heatlh.

Al these injuries have occurred for supposed protection from an illness that has barely touched the population to the point the pushers of 'the solution' needed to falsify data.

Numbers inflated by the culling of the elderly in the old people's homes with midazolam or via the criminal misuse of ventilators with a near 100% death rate in the hospitals.

All occurred in the name of man-made money-spinning protection from an illness that is best dealt with for free by the body's own natural immune system.

Man's marketing sales copy

"Safe and Effective"

The data tells a different story...

"Fake and Defective"

Below represents the data of some of the EAR DISORDERS recorded, not forgetting the MHRA/VAERS institutions themselves have admitted that under 10% of people report adverse reactions.

Ear related fatalities = 1 (AZ)

Deaf - 296 (Pfizer) + 427 (AZ) + 51 (Moderna) = 774

Sudden Hearing Loss - 52 (Pfizer) + 86 (AZ) + 12 (Moderna) = 150

Tinnitis - 2443 (Pfizer) + 4437 (AZ) + 407 (Moderna) = 7287

Balance Disorders (from nervous system disorders category) - 498 (Pfizer) + 1011 (AZ) + 86 (Moderna) = 1595

Vertigo - 1751 (Pfizer) + 2505 (AZ) + 304 (Moderna) = 4560

Ear Congestion - 39 (Pfizer) + 34 (AZ) + 8 (Moderna) = 81

Ear Discomfort - 104 (Pfizer) + 126 (AZ) + 9 (Moderna) = 239

Ear Haemorrhage - 15 (Pfizer) + 19 (AZ) = 34

Ear Pain - 1169 (Pfizer) + 2115 (AZ) + 292 (Moderna) = 3576

Ear Pruritis, Swelling & Discharge - 59 (Pfizer) + 92 (AZ) + 6 (Moderna) = 157

Eustachian Tube Disorders - 21 (Pfizer) + 21 (AZ) + 1 (Moderna) = 43

Hyperacusis (noise sensitivity) - 80 (Pfizer) + 177 (AZ) + 9 (Moderna) = 266

Inner Ear Disorders incl. Meniere’s Disease & Vestibular - 44 (Pfizer) + 49 (AZ) + 1 (Moderna) = 94

Motion Sickness - 70 (Pfizer) + 131 (AZ) + 19 (Moderna) = 220

Tympanic Membrane Perforation - 3 (Pfizer) + 7 (AZ) = 10


Pfizer 6,538

AZ 10,721

Moderna 1,185

TOTAL = 18,444

For full reports including 5 pages of ear disorders specific reaction listings -


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