Petition requesting an urgent investigation and analysis of the C19 Vaccines
As many of you are aware we are working with lawyers compiling personal v-injury testimonies and expert witness evidence.
This petition will be handed to UK Police under various crime numbers and current investigations.
The idea is, to make it very clear to the police that the public back the action and want them to investigate further.
The basic request is an injunction to pause the roll-out whilst seized samples are analysed

The people of Britain and the world need answers and request the British police immediately seize multiple random samples of the various vaccines and conduct an open public independent detailed analysis of the contents.
NOTE>>> If you are a nurse, doctor, health professional, scientist, or have relevant qualifications, please sign the Expert's petition
1 - Why are so many people suffering adverse events and death after COVID-19 vaccinations?
2 - Why are so many of our fittest sportspeople collapsing and suffering myocarditis, heart attacks and death post-vaccination?
3 - Why have the vaccine manufacturers withheld ingredients? Undisclosed ingredients are illegal and involve the deception of the public
4 - Why have independent scientific reports of Graphene Oxide and other contaminants not been publically investigated?
5 - Why are the batches of the vaccine clearly different? As per VAERS data, 100% of all adverse reactions can be attributed to 5% of the batches. This clearly indicates suspect manufacturing.
6- With all these doubts concerning safety, why is the vaccine rollout continuing in British schools?
I, the undersigned, request the British police seize samples of the vaccine and instigate an urgent public scientific review, regarding the safety, legitimacy and ethical implications of the ingredients and the biotechnology that are causing widespread serious adverse reactions post-COVID-19 vaccination.
We also request an immediate injunction on the vaccine programme, most especially for our children, until we have clear answers from the police investigations.
NOTE>>> If you are a nurse, doctor, health professional, scientist, or have relevant qualifications, please sign the Expert's petition
Use this one:
Here is some evidence to add to what you have. Godspeed.