We love the sun for a reason.
We know what is good for us.
What appears to us as white sunlight is made up of the full spectrum of colours as we can see when water in rain acts as a prism giving us one of nature's most beautiful sights
Within the spectrum of frequencies, only a small section are visible to humans.
The sun emits energy in virtually every part of the electromagnetic spectrum, yet not in equal amounts as the graph below shows.
At one end of the visible spectrum, the reds become invisible as they leave the reds and become infrared.
On the other end of the scale, the deep purples enter the invisible ultraviolet frequencies.
The graph below shows the intensity of the radiation of various frequencies within the sun's output. (Annoyingly this graph is in the reverse direction of the one above, but the info is still of course accurate)
We can see the majority of the sun's energy is emitted within the visible spectrum.
It is very important that we understand that some frequencies are good for us on a biological level, whilst others are dangerous.
We have found ourselves having to balance the game-changing uses for some of these radiation wavelengths with their detrimental effects.
For example, being able to see inside the body via X-rays to view a broken bone is a profound advance in medicine, yet X-ray technicians with their lives at risk, hide behind lead shields for a good reason.
The majority of plant and animal life cannot exist without the range of frequencies within visible light given by the sun.
The earth's atmosphere protects us from many of the more dangerous wavelengths emitted by the sun.
This natural protection our atmosphere offers life on this planet should not be underestimated.
Plane passengers and air-crew flying above our atmosphere suffer dramatically from the unfiltered higher levels of the sun's harmful radiation.
Flying from New York to London is the equivalent of subjecting your whole body to two dental X-rays. (See the flight x-ray radiation calculator.)
This is fine if you fly rarely, however, frequent flying results in an accumulation of radiation damage.
I once asked an airline hostess friend (who was in a large social media group of suffering aircrew) what she had noticed.
Her reply was.
"We just die early. From anything and everything. Heart, brain, cancer.... you name it. Just early."
(The MSM narrative as usual misses the real cause citing everything from stress to sleep deprivation, other than the core issue which is radiation. Guardian)
The Russians (as always) are way ahead on these issues
They noticed their Cosmonauts were ageing dramatically.
They worked out that every day in space was ageing the bodies of Cosmonauts by a factor of ten.
This damage was expressed by the damage to the mitochondria.
They found that reversing the mitochondrial damage, reversed the effects of ageing.
There are other ways to aid this mitochondrial repair using key supplements such as the precursors to glutathione (see this NOTB interview) & Dr Kuceras's formulae - but within this article, we are focusing on the power of using frequencies to heal.
In this NOTB interview with the genius Dr Klinghardt, the dangers of the 2.4GHZ frequencies are addressed.
Whilst the biological benefits of other frequencies like UVB which interacts with cholesterol in the skin to help form the essential vitamin D3, it is the red part of the visible light spectrum (600 – 1000nm) that interacts with our cell’s mitochondria - 'the battery power packs' of our cells- this is where the fine art of Photobiomodulation gets interesting.
It is also these red frequencies that reach us at dawn and sunrise when the sun's rays, due to the low angle, need to pass through the most amount of the the earths's atmosphere.
The atmosphere scatters (Rayleigh Scattering) the blue and ultraviolet frequencies with only the red infrared penetrating, hence the orange/red colours of sunrise and sunset.
Could the healing effect of red and infrared light be one of the reasons we love watching sunsets so much?
We now have the ability to mimic these sun-given healing frequencies and use them for their healing effects.
The claimed healing effects are far-ranging.
* Fight skin ageing, wrinkles, and cellulite and look 10 years younger
* Lose fat (nearly twice as with diet and exercise alone)
* Rid your body of chronic inflammation
* Fight the oxidative damage that drives ageing
* Increase strength, endurance, and muscle mass
* Decrease pain
* Combat hair loss
* Build resilience to stress at the cellular level
* Speed up wound/injury healing
* Combat some autoimmune conditions and improve hormonal health
* Optimize your brain function and mood
* Overcome fatigue and improve energy levels
Red and Infrared Light Therapy therapy have become mainstream and have now earned the more scientific name tag of Photobiomodulation i.e. controlling our biology with light.
The work of Tiina Karu in Russia was instrumental in putting the mechanism [of redlight in infrared light therapy] on a sound footing by identifying cytochrome c oxidase in the mitochondrial respiratory chain as a primary chromophore, and it introduced the concept of “retrograde mitochondrial signalling” to explain how a single relatively brief exposure to light could have effects on the organism that lasted for hours, days or even weeks SOURCE
RED LIGHT (suitable for skin)
Red light therapy involves exposure to fairly strong sources of visible red light in the 610-700nm range.
Most of the studies and interest towards these frequencies relate to skin conditions, but there are many other applications.
The absolute optimal single wavelengths are 620nm and 670nm as can be seen on the dark line on the graph which relates to The Cytochrome absorption - i.e. how the cells react to that frequency.
Graph showing this light’s spectral output & red absorption peaks in cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondria (T. Karu et al., 1995-2008) SOURCE
The Red shading on the graph indicates the light that the RED LIGHT MAN's Pure red light machines give.
The red shading has 4 blended peaks due to the four frequencies used.
610nm – 25% – Orange-Red
630nm – 25% – Red
660nm – 25% – Deep Red
680nm – 25% – Far Red
If you only want a machine to treat skin-deep issues then this RED LIGHT MACHINE that covers the twin peaks with four frequencies is perfect.
NOTE: I believe the best purchase choice, with the widest range of use, is getting a mix of RED LIGHTand INFRARED light - keep reading to see why
NEAR INFRARED (deep tissue penetration)
Infrared light refers to photons with a slightly longer wavelength than red, being just outside of the human eyesight perception range.
There are 3 types of infrared; Far, Mid and Near-infrared.
We are only interested in near-infrared for the purposes of light therapy.
Infrared light therapy works on a very similar mechanism to visible red, however infrared cannot be seen by the human eye.
Infrared actually passes further inside the body than red, so it can reach muscles, bones, organs, and even the brain.
As can be seen on the graph below, the green line shows how the 830nm and 760nm are absorbed more efficiently by cells than other wavelengths.
THE RED LIGHT AND INFRARED OPTION - suitable for skin AND deep tissue
Red light is useful for skin conditions or for reducing subcutaneous fat
Infrared is useful for deeper penetration into tissues
Using a device with Red light and Infrared frequencies means it is useful for tackling skin issues and penetrating deeper tissues.
The graph below shows how the use of four frequencies within the RED INFRARED LIGHT COMBO unit mimics the ranges where cells have been shown to absorb these frequencies
620 25% – Orange-Red
670 25% – Deep Red
760 25% - Near Infrared
830 25% - Near Infrared
FREE: The primary basic option is exposing as much of the body to the sun's rays at sunrise and sunset. This God-given resource is free. Best naked!
PAID: The next option, which enables higher doses, as and when desired, comes via manmade light machines.
Red light and Infrared machines vary from £15 to over £100,000
Many only cover a few frequencies and often not the most optimal ones.
BOTTOM END - Cheap torches and handheld devices
Most low-cost machines are ineffective and too weak.
The expensive machines, though effective are expensive!
Be warned, when coming across red light therapy for the first time, many at first buy red lights that are weak and ineffective, later upgrading and wasting money in the process.
This reminds me of one of my favourite axioms
Poor men can not afford to buy cheap things
The larger £100,000 machines are like sun beds that enable both sides of the body to have an even dose.
These beds are perfect for therapists offering clients 20-minute sessions.
These machines are great.
The main disadvantage is the cost at £50-£100 a 20-minute session and the time needed to get to an appointment - if you have a facility near you.
These 'hoops' means less treatment, less often.
The ideal scenario is several treatments a week.
I can recommend the results of my research into this subject.
I have personally tested and approved THE REDLIGHT MAN devices.
They are:
Powerful (enabling higher concentrated doses than the £100k machines,)
I can also recommend this manufacturer due to these basics.
Super fast and free shipping worldwide
Designed and produced by a small independent UK company
Great support -The designer & company owner will answer your questions personally
These light machine styles are available in three styles
Each of the three styles above are available in three versions, each offering different ranges of light
Due to the multi uses of the combo lights, which will treat the skin and deeper tissue issues, I have conce§ntrated on the 3rd option of Red and Infrared models as shown below.
1 - TARGETTED TREATMENT AREA - Red-Infrared Combo Mini - £ 144.00 - Shop
2 - TARGETTED TREATMENT AREA (high power) Red-Infrared Combo Light - £ 300.00 - Shop
3 - FULL BODY TREATMENT - Red-Infrared Combo Bodylight 2.0 £ 720.00 - Shop
A complete combination light therapy device, made with 12 near-infrared and red LEDs of specifically chosen wavelengths. The power output of this device has been doubled recently to improve on the light intensity of the original Combo Mini (18w vs 9w).
At maximum range, this product can cover a circular area with a diameter of 40cm.
OptimIsed spectrum of red/infrared light.
620 ◦ 670 ◦ 760 ◦ 830 nm
Combines best of red & infrared light therapy