A second report has appeared on the USA's VAERS Vaccine data base, linking the vaccinated status of a breastfeeding
Mother to a child's death.

The first such report was filed by a doctor as featured in our article here.
This suspected second case of infant-death-by-mother's-vaccine-contaminated-breast-milk, was filed by the mother herself.
These are her words.
QUOTE: "...On July 17, my baby passed away. I had been breastfeeding my 6 week old baby at the time that I received the first Pfizer vaccine on June 4, 2021. He became very sick with a high fever about 2 weeks after I got the first Pfizer vaccine on June 21. He was treated for 2 weeks with IV antibiotics for a supposed bacterial infection. However, they never found any specific bacteria, and called his diagnosis culture-negative sepsis. At the end of his hospital stay he tested positive for rhinovirus. After the 14 day course of antibiotics, he was home for one week, but exhibited strange symptoms (e.g. swollen eyelid, strange rashes, vomiting). I took him back to the hospital on July 15, where he presented with what they called an atypical Kawasaki disease. He passed away shortly thereafter from clots in his severely inflamed arteries. I am curious if the spike protein could have gone through the breast milk and caused an inflammatory response in my child. They say Kawasaki disease presents very similarly to the Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in children that they are seeing in post Covid infections. (My baby also had unusual birth circumstances, as he was born at 37 weeks, triggered by a maternal appendicitis.) However, if they know that antibodies go through the breastmilk as a good thing, then why wouldn''t the spike protein also go through the breastmilk and potentially cause problems..."
The full report can be read here.
SOURCE https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?IDNUMBER=1532154&WAYBACKHISTORY=ON