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Writer's picture: Mark PlayneMark Playne
"The War on the Unvaccinated was lost, and we should all be very thankful for that."

CORRECTION 8th August: We have now heard that Susan Dunham is Canadian and not vaccinated. Her words remain as clear and as valid as ever.

In a surprising turn vaccinated Australian Journalist Susan Dunham has spoken the words we have all been waiting for.

This video is the High Wire's Del Big Tree reading Susan's words.

The text is transcribed below.

We are close to the tipping point, whereby more public figures speak out and the truth of this medical holocaust will be outed into the mass public consciousness.


'If Covid were a battlefield, it would still be warm with the bodies of the unvaccinated.”

Thankfully the mandates are letting up, and both sides of the war stumble back to the new normal.

The unvaccinated are the heroes of the last two years as they allowed us all to have a control group in the great experiment, and highlight the shortcoming of the Covid vaccines.

The unvaccinated carry many battle scars and injuries as they are the people we tried to mentally break, yet no one wants to talk about what we did to them and what they forced ‘The Science’ to unveil.

We knew that the waning immunity of the fully vaccinated had the same risk profile as others within society, as the minority of the unvaccinated; yet we marked them for special persecution.

We said they had not ‘done the right thing for the greater good’ by handing their bodies and medical autonomy over to the State.

Many of the so-called health experts and political leaders admitted the goal was to make life almost un-livable for the unvaccinated, which was multiplied many times by the collective mob, with the fight taken into workplaces, friendships, and family gatherings.

Today, the hard truth is none of it was justified as we took a quick slide from righteousness to absolute cruelty.

We might blame our leaders and health experts for the push, but each individual within society must be held accountable for stepping into the well-laid-out trap.

We did this despite knowing full well that principled opposition is priceless when it comes to what goes inside our bodies, and we let ourselves be tricked into believing that going into another ineffective lockdown would be the fault of the unvaccinated and not the fault of the toxic policy of ineffective vaccines.

We took pleasure in scapegoating the unvaccinated because after months of engineered lockdowns by political leaders blinded by power, having someone to blame and to burn at the stake, felt good.

We believed we had logic, love, and truth on our side, so it was easy to wish death upon the unvaccinated.

Those of us who ridiculed and mocked the non-compliant did it because we were embarrassed by their courage and principles and didn’t think the unvaccinated would make it through unbroken, and we turned the holdouts into punching bags.

Fauci, Rachelle Walensky, Biden, Caribbean Ayatollah Gonsalves, unvaccinated spittle Camillo Gonsalves, Gaston Browne, Stop Jack assing yourself Keith Rowley} and the other cast in prominent roles need to be held to account for vilifying the unvaccinated in public and fueling angry social media mobs.

The mobs, the mask Nazis, and the vaccine disciples have been embarrassed by ‘betting against’ the unvaccinated because mandates only had the power we gave them.

It was not compliance that ended domination by Big Pharma Companies, Bill Gates and his many organisations, and the World Economic Forum…It was THANKS to the people we tried to embarrass, ridicule, mock and tear down.

We should all try and find some inner gratitude for the unvaccinated as we took the bait by hating them because their perseverance and courage bought us the time to see we were wrong.

So, if mandates ever return for Covid or any other disease or virus, hopefully, more of us will be awake and see the rising authoritarianism that has no concern for our well-being and is more about power and control.

The War on the Unvaccinated was lost, and we should all be very thankful for that.


Krigen mod de uvaccinerede var tabt – “De uvaccinerede vil blive retfærdiggjort.”

Del Jeg vil sige det, jeg har ikke skrevet dette, men nogen gjorde det. Susan Dunham, det er dig, dette bør have en plads i enhver lærebog i verden i fremtiden. Og jeg vil læse det for jer, hvad jeg synes, er en af de mest veltalende udsagn om, hvad vi lige har været igennem, og hvad vi alle må erkende, nu er sandheden. Og for dem af jer, der har set The High Wire, denne her er til dig. Lad dette synke ind. “En Menings Udtalelse Fra En Vaccineret Australsk Journalist” – er hvad, det er kaldt. Hvis COVID var en slagmark? Ville den stadig være varm af ligene af de uvaccinerede. Heldigvis, ophører restriktioner efter faldende på begge sider af krigen, faldende tilbage til den ‘nye–normal’. De uvaccinerede er heltene fra de sidste to år, da de tillod os alle at have kontrolgrupper i det Store Eksperiment og fremhæve manglerne ved COVID-vaccinerne. De uvaccinerede bærer mange kamp-ar og skader, da det er de mennesker, vi forsøgte at nedbryde mentalt, alligevel vil ingen tale om, hvad vi gjorde mod dem, og hvad de tvang videnskaben til at afsløre. Vi vidste, at den aftagende immunitet for de fuldt vaccinerede havde samme risikoprofil som andre i samfundet. Som mindretallet af de uvaccinerede, men alligevel har vi stemplede dem til særlig forfølgelse. Ser du, vi sagde, at de ikke havde gjort det rigtige til gavn, for “det fælles bedste” vist “Samfundssind” ved at overdrage deres kroppe og medicinske autonomi til staten. Mange af de såkaldte sundhedseksperter og politiske ledere i Australien indrømmede, at målet var at gøre livet næsten umuligt for de uvaccinerede. Hvilket blev ganget mange gange med den kollektive pøbel, med kampen taget på arbejdspladser, venskaber, og familiesammenkomster. I dag er den hårde sandhed, at intet af det var berettiget, da vi tog den hurtige glidebane fra retfærdighed til absolut grusomhed. Vi lægger måske skylden på vores ledere og sundhedseksperter for skubbet, men hvert individ i samfundet skal holdes ansvarlig for at træde ind i den velanlagte fælde. Vi gjorde dette på trods af, at vi vidste, at deres principielle modstand var uvurderlig, når det kommer til, hvad der injiceres i vores kroppe, og vi lader os narre til at tro, at det at gå ind i en anden ineffektiv lockdown ville være de uvaccinerede skyld og ikke skyldes den giftige politik for ineffektive vacciner, vi glædede os over at gøre de uvaccinerede til syndebukke, efter måneder med konstruerede lockdowns og politiske ledere blændet af magt. At have nogen at bebrejde og vende sig imod, at brænde på bålet, føltes godt. Vi troede, at vi havde logik, kærlighed og sandhed på vores side, så det var let at ønske døden over de uvaccinerede, dem af os, der latterliggjorde og hånede, den ikke-samtykkede gjorde det, fordi vi var flove over deres mod og principper og ikke troede, at de uvaccinerede ville komme helskindet i mål. Og vi forvandlede de udholdende til boksesække, Lambie, Bilstol Andrews, McGowan Gunner og andre Kaster, –af fremtrædende roller, og vi her i Amerika, vi kan tilføje Fauci og resten af dem – Biden, andre i fremtrædende roller, bør forkyndes offentligt for at de bliver holdt til regnskab for at bagvaske de uvaccinerede og give næring til vrede sociale medier, mobberne, de maskerede nazister og vaccine-disciplene er blevet pinligt gjorte ved at byde ind overfor de uvaccinerede, fordi mandater havde den magt, vi gav dem. Det var ikke de samtykkende, der sluttede dominansen af Big Pharma-virksomheder, Bill Gates og de mange organisationer og World Economic Forum, det var ta

kket være de mennesker, vi forsøgte at genere, latterliggøre, håne og ødelægge. Vi bør alle prøve at finde en indre taknemmelighed for de uvaccinerede, da vi bed på krogen, ved at hade dem, deres udholdenhed og mod købte os tid til at se, at vi tog fejl. Så hvis nogensinde COVID restriktioner vender tilbage eller anden sygdom eller virus, vil forhåbentlig flere af os være vågne og se den stigende totalitarisme, der ingen bekymringer har for vores velbefindende, men handler mere om magt og kontrol. Krigen mod de uvaccinerede var tabt og vi bør alle være meget taknemmelige – for det.

Skrevet af en vaccineret australsk journalist, Susan Dunham.


Aug 07, 2022

The thing is you are not forgiven and now we are coming for you all.

Aug 08, 2022
Replying to

Sick person here


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