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Writer's pictureMark Playne


It has been a sad week as we come to terms with the loss of international freedom fighter and advanced medical practitioner Dr Buttar.

Many immediately suggested murder, while others responded with a knee-jerk reaction ‘puppetting’ the indoctrinated phrase calling these claims out as ‘conspiracy’.

Could they be right?

Of course, and we must remain open-minded.

However, I hope everyone pauses for thought when a highly respected doctor feels the need to put the words, "I am of sound mind and not suicidal” on the public record–and then dies.

Dr Buttar also made it clear during several recent interviews that he had been poisoned.

What could be the motive?

Dr Buttar’s work educating respected professionals alongside millions of the public to the true powers of real medicine, was a threat to the pharmaceutical companies.

Nothing dents profits more seriously than a competitor with a superior product.

Inferior products can outsell a superior product if sufficient resources are thrown at the marketing.

The marketing campaign is sealed by controlling the news networks, ‘owning’ the sub-affiliate selling GPs and MDs and stifling all alternative voices.

This has been the highly successful modus operandi of big pharma.

When the narrative rose exponentially with the onset of the C19 plandemic, a list was drawn up called the Disinformation Dozen. These are from a US perspective, the top twelve most successful influencers contradicting the gov/pharma narrative via the powers of social media.

Getting their message out warning of inferior products and educating of cheaper safer alternatives.

Effectively, the list is the top twelve people in the USA threatening the narrative and billions in pharma’s profits.

Dr Buttar was on this list.

When Princess Diana was murdered, the reason was clear to anyone following the news closely as I had been doing. The whole of the British paparazzi seemed to be on the French Riveria snapping Diana and her lover Dodi Fayad on their yacht.

I had read a small paragraph two days before, indicating a local nurse, who was touting £25k for an exclusive, was about to spill the beans on something major. I could think of no other story possible than her pregnancy. The abandonment of their holiday and their rush back to England fitted with this theory as a public announcement of an engagement was their only way out. So when someone knocked on my door and said “Di is dead” my reply was simple. “They got her then.”

More importantly, just like Dr Buttar, Princess Diana said her life was in danger and predicted her own murder in a car 2 years before she died.

It’s only those subject to the Western media that believe the car crash story. travel further afield and everyone from doctors to road cleaners realise the truth. Would the royal family, or those protecting them, let the line to the British throne be tainted by stepbrothers co-joining the Windsors and the infamous Egyptian Fayed family?

The timing of Princess Dianna and Dodi’s murder was due to their imminent arrival and probable engagement announcement in the UK.

If anyone wonders how an assassination plan could be put into place so quickly, it is believed a previous assassination plan destined for Yassar Arafat that had been archived when he changed his travel plans, was dusted off and used.

(If you are interested in finding out more Keith Allen (the father of singer Lilly Allen) has made "Unlawful Killing'. Although I don't agree with all of it, it is the best documentary on Princess Diana's death.

On hearing the rumours of murder, a friend asked the simple question, ‘But, why now?’

Was Dr Buttar's upcoming Advanced Medicine Conference the reason behind the timing of his death?

Dr Buttar had lead the team organising the Advanced Medicine Conference that was die to take place this past weekend.

A few days after his death earlier last week, they released this announcement.

With deepest regret...

"...With deepest regret, we are announcing the cancellation of the Advanced Medicine Conference which was scheduled for this Saturday, May 27th thru Monday, May 29th in St. Louis, MO.

We understand and have a deep desire to honor Dr. Buttar's legacy, and he would likely want the conference to continue without him, however the family and staff has not yet had time to grieve, prepare funeral arrangements, arrange burial etc. So we feel there is just not adequate time or resources available to do justice to his legacy at this time.   

We apologize to those of you who have made plans to attend in person or virtually.  If you have purchased admission to the conference, it will be refunded to you in the next 24-48 hours.

We appreciate your patience and understanding with this unfortunate situation..."

Dr Buttar 0n Dr Ardis's podcast - 8th May

In this interview Dr Buttar discusses the history of the Advanced Medical Conference and his previous poisoning.

This video was posted on the 8th May

This interview of Dr Buttar by Dr Ardis is an important watch to get an overview of the Advanced Medicine Conference and the general impact it had..

This is the description of the interview.

"...Dr. Ardis interviews a hero, not only for the last three years through this pandemic, but one who has extended many, many lives and given hope to people all over the world, Dr. Rashid Buttar. God has given Dr. Buttar the gift of healing and you will learn about natural alternative therapies for treating and preventing cancer. Dr. Buttar discusses his 5th annual Advanced Medicine Conference in Kanas City, MO on Memorial Day weekend. Dr. Ardis and many others will be presenting incredible, life-saving information...."

Dr Buttar warns CNN host that post jab, he might have a ticking time bomb inside him.

Dr Buttar's last tweet

Dr Buttar was discussing releasing pre-conference talks for his 5th Advanced Medicine Conference this coming weekend.

He was looking to the future.

He mentions his views on the possibility of other life forms within our other planets & galaxies.

He shares exciting news 27mins in on Regenerative Agriculture progress and an exciting shift in humankind.

He ends the message with "See you on the other side!"

Please leave your comments under this post


Jun 02, 2023

It is SO OBVIOUSE....Humans have been microchipped with "Unknown MAC IP Addresses"..........."and"They" are trying hard to keep this info under wraps for now......"They" would surely know any imminant "spillling of the beans" on this topic would end their control Matriux and agenda for 2050.....seems to me this whole Dr Buttar death narative is coming direct out of the WEF.... a set up planned to get the the Conservative Sheeple to believe Buttar was murdered???....who is next to be "assassinated" to cause outrage amongst the Conservative Patriots Judy Mikovich???


May 29, 2023

I think he was eliminated because he was going to provide information about hidden technologies that the cabal didn't want released.

May 30, 2023
Replying to

Very sad he helped me understand in the beginning of the plandemic sad news made me cry


May 29, 2023

Well stated. It is never wise to announce a major revelation that threatens the deep state before it is done. That's what Dorothy Kilgallen did re: JFK murder. Then recall Seth Rich, Michael Hastings, and others we may consider.


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