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  • Writer's pictureMark Playne


The German MEP Christine Anderson was censored in the European parliament whilst exposing the corruption of Ursula Von der Leyen and the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine deal for the EU. 

Anderson's microphone was cut off in mid-speech much to the shock of many.

Quite stunning to see the panic and how democratically elected representatives are restricted from representing us.... and there is a lot of 'us'.


Words from Christine Anderson:

Scandal in the EU Parliament. I requested a short-term change to the agenda to clarify the vaccine deals between the EU Commission and Big Pharma. ⚠️ When I say these 3 words: ➡️ Von der Leyen ➡️ Pfizer ➡️ Corruption 🎤 The President of Parliament immediately cuts off 🚫 my microphone ‼️

A 7-second vote (❗️) follows in which all other parties reject my motion. (I have deliberately left this outrageous event unedited in my video). Immediately afterwards, Parliament adjourns for a break.

That's all!

When in a pseudo-parliament technocratic centralism meets cemented bloc parties that are not even interested in clearing up the most serious allegations of corruption in the double-digit BILLION range against their own Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (the public prosecutor's office is already investigating), could this anti-citizen construct not rightly be called the 🇻🇳 EUSSR?

Despite everything,

I send you my best regards

Christine Anderson, MEP

3 comentarios

25 abr

God bless you Christine Anderson for you brave and truthful courageous speech, sadly only to have it wickedly cutoff by the Satanists who will rot in Hell fur immer mehr !

Richart Leschen.

Me gusta

24 abr

One of the few with the courage to speak out openly. What happened to honesty and integrity?

Me gusta

24 abr

Go get them girl

These scum bags are on the backfoot and scurrying for cover like the rats they are! Down with the globalist scum.

Me gusta

😊 Don´t forget to leave a comment! Scroll back up! 😊

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