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  • Writer's pictureMark Playne

Magnets and belief in God

An interesting experiment.

Who, or what group of people, would even want to change someone's belief in God?

Imagine the reaction if a religous sect carrried out experiments to decrease someone's belief in science.

QUOTE: "...The non-invasive practice is called trancranial magnetic stimulation, and has can be used to treat depression.

However, researchers have now found that by targeting the part of the brain that deals with threats, they can temporarily change people's beliefs and views...."

(2015 article)

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1 Comment

Jul 17, 2021

Beliefs usually refer to thoughts or emotional convictions about reality as an personal overlay to a shared external world.

But beliefs operates AS our reality until its status is brought into question from a point outside its framework of thought.

Such is true Science as an empirical extension to Spiritual enquiry.

We are already operating a 'normalised reality-experience' as a deeper personal/social masking 'reality', under a sense of split or dissociated Self and Reality such as to divide Self from Itself under conflicting judgements about a reality that in truth we cannot separate from (so as to judge).

Yet in persisting the mind of judgement as a sense of personal Creation is our Unseparated Wholeness masked over and hidden in…


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