The German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis
The COVID-19 vaccination programmes must be stopped immediately.
The German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis has made its initial findings publicly available in a wide-ranging report:
1. Toxic substances were found in all of the samples of COVID-19 vaccines - without exception.
2. The blood samples of all the people who had been vaccinated showed marked changes.
3. The greater the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles, the more frequent are vaccine side effects.
1. In all samples of COVID-19 vaccines, without exception, components were found, using several methods of measurement, that: - are, in the quantities found, toxic according to medical guidelines, - had not been declared by the manufacturers as present in the vaccines, - are for the most part metallic, - are visible under the dark-field microscope as distinctive and complex structures of different sizes, - can only partially be explained as a result of crystallisation or decomposition processes, - cannot be explained as contamination from the manufacturing process.
2. The comparison of blood samples from unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals by means of dark-field microscopy showed noticeable changes in the blood of each person who had been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines. This was evident even if those people hadn’t at that point displayed any visible reaction to the vaccinations. Complex structures similar to those in the vaccines were found in the blood samples of the vaccinated. Using artificial intelligence (AI) image analysis, the difference between the blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated people was confirmed.
3. The stability of the lipid nanoparticle envelope is closely correlated with the incidence of vaccine side effects and injury.
The more stable this envelope, the greater the amount of mRNA that penetrates cells, where the production of spike proteins then takes place.
These results correspond with the findings of pathologists who have carried out autopsies on people who died due to vaccine injury.
Spike proteins were detected in damaged tissue. Researchers suspect that the spike protein is, in itself, toxic.
The German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis is an interdisciplinary working group that has undertaken the task of analysing the contents and the effects of the novel COVID-19 vaccines.
The group consists of independent scientists, including physicians, physicists, chemists, microbiologists, pharmacologists and alternative health practitioners, supported by lawyers, psychologists, analysts and journalists.
The Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis uses modern medical and physical measuring techniques, the results of which have confirmed and complemented each other: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), Mass Spectroscopy (MS), Inductively Coupled Plasma Analysis (ICP), Bright Field Microscopy (BFM), Dark Field Microscopy (DFM) and Live Blood Image Diagnostics, as well as analysis of images using Artificial Intelligence.
The Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis continues to work in close cooperation with several international groups that are carrying out similar investigations and who have obtained results consistent with our own. The results from our analysis of the vaccines can, consequently, be regarded as cross-validated.
There are questions that need to be satisfactorily answered by the vaccine manufacturers and, in Germany, by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (the agency of the German Federal Ministry of Health responsible for the regulation of vaccines in that country).
Possible causal links between the vaccines and fatalities need to be investigated. In order to avert a direct and imminent danger to human life and public safety, we ask that the COVID-19 vaccination programmes be discontinued immediately.
One of the most important reports in the world has been released by a group of German scientists who call themselves The Working Group For COVID Vaccine Analysis. The members of the group have chosen to remain anonymous at the moment because vaccine critics “have been publicly defamed, ostracized, and economically ruined.” That’s a wise decision — considering the contents of this report. This working group has made several preliminary discoveries that will reverberate around the world.
The conclusion of this group’s report is simple and stark: all COVID vaccine programs must be halted immediately.
Why? Because every COVID vaccine that was tested was toxic to human beings.
To make matters worse: the blood of vaccinated individuals has been corrupted in terrible ways, including deformed red blood cells, blood clots, elevated blood viscosity, and the presence of “novel structures” made of strange materials that “cannot be explained as contamination from the manufacturing process.”
Let me repeat: all COVID vaccines that were tested contained “substances the purpose of which cannot be determined.”

(Figures 4 & 5 from the report)
The inescapable conclusion from this report will send shockwaves throughout the world: the COVID vaccines are toxic to humans and they were designed to be toxic.
Dangerous substances and toxic metals that were never disclosed by Pfizer or Moderna or AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson are found consistently in blood samples and, therefore, cannot be “accidental contaminants” but rather ingredients that were secretely and deliberately included in the vaccines.
I want to highlight four of the group’s discoveries:
The first discovery: toxic substances were found in all of the samples of COVID-19 vaccines — without exception.
The second discovery: The blood samples of all the people who had been vaccinated showed marked changes.
The third discovery: The greater the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles, the more frequent are vaccine side effects.
The fourth discovery: The vaccines consistently contain substances the purpose of which cannot be determined. Using a small sample of live blood analyses from both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, artificial intelligence (AI) can distinguish with 100% reliability between the blood of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. This indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines can effect long-term changes in the composition of the blood of the person vaccinated without that person being aware of these changes.

The first discovery: toxic substances were found in all of the samples of COVID-19 vaccines — without exception.
From the report: “In all samples of COVID-19 vaccines, without exception,
components were found, using several methods of measurement, that: — are, in the quantities found, toxic according to medical guidelines, — had not been declared by the manufacturers as present in the vaccines, — are for the most part metallic, — are visible under the dark-field microscope as distinctive and complex structures of different sizes, — can only partially be explained as a result of crystallisation or decomposition processes, — cannot be explained as contamination from the manufacturing process.”
What this means: the COVID vaccines are toxic to humans, and they are deliberately toxic.
Let me repeat: The vaccines were designed to be toxic to humans.

The second discovery: The blood samples of all the people who had been vaccinated showed marked changes.
From page 9 & 10 of the report:
“The blood from vaccinated patients (specifically those having had either the BioNTech/Pfizer or the Moderna vaccines) stands out mainly because of the following differences: Novel structures that we have previously only seen in the vaccines themselves directly (sealed vaccines were analysed, at least 3 batches with over 12 vials), e.g. rectangular and square crystal shapes, spirals, etc., these kinds of structures have never been found in human blood before. These structures were most frequently found in the Comirnaty vaccine from BioNTech/Pfizer (size up to 25 μm, erythrocyte has approx. 7.5 μm diameter).
There is a clear deformation of the cell membranes of erythrocytes, which we otherwise only encounter in chronically ill people and people with severe degenerative diseases.
Blood clots, lamellar structures that can occlude small vessels (size up to 40 μm), are also frequently seen. The blood viscosity (reduced flow capacity of the blood) in vaccinated people is significantly elevated. We normally only see this evidence in people who are at risk of stroke or thrombosis.
Observation of the decomposition process (blood from healthy people can live actively on the slide for days) shows a rapid progression, the blood sometimes only lives for a few hours.
However, the decay processes of erythrocytes, so-called ghosts/erythrocyte shadows, can also be seen at the beginning, which we normally only see in patients with severe chronic inflammatory processes and chronically ill patients.
What is striking is that one does not necessarily have to know whether the patient has been vaccinated or not. This can be recognised by the conspicuous changes in the patient's blood.”
What this means: The vaccines contaminate human blood itself — causing blood clots and red blood cell damage and elevated blood viscosity.

The third discovery: The greater the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles, the more frequent are vaccine side effects.
According to the report: “The mRNA needs a protective envelope to enter the cells. This protective envelope consists of nanolipids. The nanolipids are stabilised by layers of polyethylene glycol (PEG). The PEG is formed from chains of different lengths.”
“Based on the observations, it can be assumed that the PEG quality has a long-term influence on the functioning of the vaccine. Accordingly, batches with a very broad mass spectrum and longer chains would protect the mRNA less effectively. The nanolipids are more unstable and can disintegrate early and before penetrating the cell, thus releasing the mRNA outside the cell.”
What happens when mRNA is released outside the cell?
“…numerous lipid crystal particles can be observed in the dark field as tiny solids, the occurrence of which in the blood vessels can lead to blockages and consequent damage of many kinds.”

The fourth discovery: The vaccines consistently contain substances the purpose of which cannot be determined. Using a small sample of live blood analyses from both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, artificial intelligence (AI) can distinguish with 100% reliability between the blood of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
This indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines can effect long-term changes in the composition of the blood of the person vaccinated without that person being aware of these changes.
According to the report: “Evidence of alterations in the blood — regardless of the method of blood analysis — resulting from the COVID-19 vaccinations is increasing at an alarming rate and is being increasingly reflected in the relevant statistics.”
Let me finish this post with some thoughts on the fourth discovery: the vaccines consistently contain substances the purpose of which cannot be determined. What are these “metallic” substances and “novel structures” meant to do? The key is to remember that the COVID “vaccines” are actually part of a new system of global biometric surveillance.
The intellectual guru of the New World Order, professor Yuval Noah Harari, has explained this new system in detail.
Perhaps this new system is why the U.S. government wants your children — at no risk from COVID — to take the COVID “vaccines.” Perhaps that’s why Western governments are still busy trying to illegally coerce their own people into getting injected — long after the “vaccines” have failed in every conceivable way. Perhaps this new system is why hostile countries such as China and Russia and Iran developed their own “vaccines” rather than taking ours.
That’s why Big Pharma “vaccine” companies were allowed to sign highly suspicious legal contracts with various governments (like this one allegedly between Pfizer and Albania) that essentially held Big Pharma harmless for their “vaccines” while transferring all legal liability to the governments.
Under the cover of vaccinating people, we are really preparing to track and control people. The once free nations of the West are testing a new authoritarian system under the guise of public health.
Our military and intelligence agencies are not confronting China — they're copying China.
A totalitarian nightmare is being imported into America using a needle and syringe.
You have been warned.