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  • Writer's pictureMark Playne


NEW FILM - 16th Sept


Distributor: YOU!

I've cut this 5 and a half minute short film together using the testimonies that the vaccine injured shared on social media to raise awareness.

Our corrupt governments, backed by the bought media, are covering up the true extent of vaccine injuries.

And now, they are coming for our children.

We must act.

I hope you can use it to show teachers, medical professionals and other parents who might still be naive to the risks


Making this film broke my heart in more ways than one.

The music is Ludovico Einaudi's 'Fuori Dal Mondo'.

We played this at our Mother's funeral seven years ago.

She died of cancer caused by the SV40 viral contaminants within her childhood polio vaccines.

See Ludovico's music & tour dates.

To share on other platforms please download the video and re-upload with a link back to Not On The Beeb,

DOWNLOAD: click the three bottom dots bottom right corner of video.

Or, use this link to share via the main website.

Or, share this page.

These words were released with the newborn featured at the end of the video:

"My niece had her second child last month and throughout her pregnancy, she resisted being vaccinated. A month before the baby was born she was told that she would need a cesarean (sic) section and the hospital and doctors insisted that they would not allow her into the hospital unless she had the jab.

With such pressure, and the worry of her baby's health, she felt forced to comply and take the CV v@x. Now the baby is in hospital, has uncontrollable intermittent 'jitters' that are worsening and needs a brain scan as they cannot fathom what is causing this 😢

Every test that has been done has come back negative so they are being transferred to the Great Ormond Street hospital to do further investigations."

See newborn article here


MHRA Yellow Card Reporting up to 8th Sept 2021

• Pfizer - 22.1million people - 40.8m doses - Yellow Card reporting rate - 1-in-195 people impacted

• Astrazeneca - 24.8m people - 48.7m doses - Yellow Card reporting rate - 1-in-107 people impacted

• Moderna - 1.4m people - 2.4m doses - Yellow Card reporting rate - 1-in-90 people impacted

Overall 1-in-134 people injected experience a Yellow Card Adverse Event.

The true number should be 1 in 3 to 1in 10 so this gives an idea f the extent of underreporting.

Reactions - 320,570 (Pfizer) + 823,202 (AZ) + 49,771 (Moderna) + 3270 (Unknown) = 1,196,813

Reports - 113,312 (Pfizer) + 231,161 (AZ) + 15,565 (Moderna) + 1074 (Unknown) = 361,112

Fatal - 526 (Pfizer) + 1075 (AZ) + 16 (Moderna) + 28 (Unknown) = 1645

Acute Cardiac - 5339 (Pfizer) + 9294 (AZ) + 582 (Moderna) + 40 (Unknown) = 15,255

Pericarditis/Myocarditis (Heart inflammation) - 480 (Pfizer) + 267 (AZ) + 93 (Moderna) + 2 (Unknown) = 842

Anaphylaxis - 482 (Pfizer) + 816 (AZ) + 39 (Moderna) + 1 (Unknown) = 1338

Blood Disorders - 10,916 (Pfizer) + 7427 (AZ) + 919 (Moderna) + 46 (Unknown) = 19,308

Infections - 7545 (Pfizer) + 18,321 (AZ) + 825 (Moderna) + 91 (Unknown) = 26,782

Herpes - 1616 (Pfizer) + 2499 (AZ) + 82 (Moderna) + 13 (Unknown) = 4210

Headaches - 22,680 (Pfizer) + 83,838 (AZ) + 3029 (Moderna) + 233 (Unknown) = 109,780

Migraine - 2663 (Pfizer) + 8095 (AZ) + 347 (Moderna) + 29 (Unknown) = 11,134

Eye Disorders - 5340 (Pfizer) + 13,885 (AZ) + 566 (Moderna) + 58 (Unknown) = 19,849

Blindness - 103 (Pfizer) + 286 (AZ) + 15 (Moderna) + 4 (Unknown) = 408

Deafness - 199 (Pfizer) + 369 (AZ) + 17 (Moderna) + 2 (Unknown) = 587

Psychiatric Disorders - 6611 (Pfizer) + 17,256 (AZ) + 1011 (Moderna) + 77 (Unknown) = 24,955

Skin Disorders - 22,425 (Pfizer) + 50,653 (AZ) + 7161 (Moderna) + 221 (Unknown) = 80,460

Muscle & Tissue Disorders - 38,603 (Pfizer) + 99,278 (AZ) + 5441 (Moderna) + 373 (Unknown) = 143,695

Spontaneous Abortions - 309 + 6 stillbirth/foetal death (Pfizer) + 201 + 4 stillbirth (AZ) + 31 + 1 foetal death (Moderna) + 2 (Unknown) = 543 + 11

Vomiting - 3462 (Pfizer) + 11,389 (AZ) + 613 (Moderna) + 42 (Unknown) = 15,506

Facial Paralysis incl. Bell’s Palsy - 739 (Pfizer) + 889 (AZ) + 55 (Moderna) + 7 (Unknown) = 1690

Nervous System Disorders - 55,949 (Pfizer) + 175,323 (AZ) + 7821 (Moderna) + 621 (Unknown) = 239,714

Strokes and CNS haemorrhages - 518 (Pfizer) + 2044 (AZ) + 18 (Moderna) + 10 (Unknown) = 2590

Guillian Barre Syndrome - 48 (Pfizer) + 403 (AZ) + 3 (Moderna) + 5 (Unknown) = 459

Tremor - 1374 (Pfizer) + 9714 (AZ) + 181 (Moderna) + 38 (Unknown) = 11,307

Pulmonary Embolism & Deep Vein Thrombosis - 621 (Pfizer) + 2755 (AZ) + 28 (Moderna) + 18 (Unknown) = 3422

Respiratory Disorders - 13,797 (Pfizer) + 27,725 (AZ) + 1312 (Moderna) + 113 (Unknown) = 42,947

Seizures - 763 (Pfizer) + 1900 (AZ) + 132 (Moderna) + 12 (Unknown) = 2,807

Paralysis - 312 (Pfizer) + 757 (AZ) + 40 (Moderna) + 6 (Unknown) = 1,115

Haemorrhage (All types) - 2807 (Pfizer) + 4833 (AZ) + 358 (Moderna) + 30 (Unknown) = 8028

Vertigo/Tinnitis - 2860 (Pfizer) + 6427 (AZ) + 301 (Moderna) + 26 (Unknown) = 9614

Renal/Urinary - 867 (Pfizer) + 2547 (AZ) + 108 (Moderna) + 23 (Unknown) = 3545

Reproductive/Breast - 18,710 (Pfizer) + 17,181 (AZ) + 2487 (Moderna) + 131 (Unknown) = 38,509

See Annex One for full reports -


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