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Writer's picture: Mark PlayneMark Playne


You probably remember that Not On then Beeb was hit by Paypal 'withdrawal of services' in late May 2022 "...We have recently reviewed your usage of PayPal's services, as reflected in our records and on your website Due to the nature of your activities, we have chosen to discontinue service to you in accordance with PayPal's User Agreement. As a result, we have placed a permanent limitation on your account..." They not only took down NOTB but also my film accounts, my author accounts and all my personal accounts. As many of you know I have up all my other work to concentrate on getting vital information, forming NOTB in August 2020, so losing the author/film accounts were not so serious, even though they were limited companies, which I suspect is illegal. They were clearly after me as an individual, since my film and author accounts feature love stories and talking ducks! Their reason for my blanket ban was "...your activities with Not On The Beeb..." The attack stung, setting NOTB back as the monthly donations were cancelled, making the enterprise more vulnerable. Some payments using Paypal were missed setting off other losses and problems Since then, Paypal have hit many other media outlets and organisations providing vital information.


Message from Miri, a professional writer with a background in health, Miriam studied Community Health and Professional Writing at the State University of New York, and went on to train as a copywriter with a top London agency. "Just over a week ago, I was banned from PayPal - my main source of income - with no notice or warning, and with no actual explanation as to why this ban had occurred, other than a vague assertion from the organisation that I had "violated their acceptable use policy" (please note they also banned an old PayPal of mine for the same ostensible reason, despite the fact this account was under a different name, associated with a different email, and hadn't actually been used for anything in years, so in reality, the only "violation" that account could possibly have been guilty of, is being owned by me). Obviously, this was a deep and significant shock and very damaging to my finances - but did seem to be an isolated event. I assumed it had probably resulted from one of my ever-fomenting hate fans reporting me to PayPal. I never expected for a minute that this was indicative of the fact that all alternative and dissenting voices were imminently in for the same fate...." Message from Liz Evans at the UKMFA Following the permanent suspension of UK Medical Freedom Alliance PayPal account a couple of weeks ago, we now find that Not on The Beeb, UsforThem, Law or Fiction and The Expose have also had the same treatment, along with Toby Young and his Free Speech Union and Daily Sceptic. This blatant attack on free speech and lawful campaigning in the UK by a foreign corporation is completely unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. CALLS TO ACTION: #BoycottPayPal - let's defund them. Close your account to make your views heard Register a Complaint with Paypal here

1 Comment

Sep 29, 2022

The same happened to my business. I wrote this article in response explaining what this is all about:


😊 Don´t forget to leave a comment! Scroll back up! 😊

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