I've recently come across this video with a voiceover by the brilliant Dr Berg
summing up the key benefits of Black Seed Oil.
Click play in the subtitled video below.
I've divided the article into the following sections

What is it?
Black seed oil is a 100% natural product derived from the plant Nigella sativa, which is native to Eastern Europe and Western Asia (Source).
What is it traditionally used for?
Black seed oil is a natural remedy that people use to treat a wide range of conditions, including:
back pain
high blood pressure
Numerous studies demonstrated the seed of Nigella sativa and its main active constituent, thymoquinone, to be medicinally very effective against various illnesses:
neurological and mental illness,
cardiovascular disorders,
inflammatory conditions, and
various infectious diseases due to bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral infections. SOURCE
See more on the potential healing properties below
The Prophet Mohammed had described the curative powers of the black seed as
“Hold on to use this black seed, as it has a remedy for every illness except death”
Where can I get high-quality Black Seed Oil?
You can easily buy it over the counter for under £10 for a small bottle in many Middle Eastern shops.
However, as with Olive oil, quality varies dramatically depending on the sourcing and production process.
Since we are interested in the full medicinal benefits, we need the very best.
A few years ago I had the pleasure of a two-hour chat with Dr Cass Ingram regarding his production of Oregano oil.
I learnt that his company North American Herb and Spice go to extraordinary lengths to source the very highest quality ingredients, from precise geographical locations matching 2,000 years of herbal knowledge.
They then use advanced cold extraction methods that preserve each constituent.
I have tried and tested Dr Ingram's North American Herb and Spice products
over the last few years, even using NAHS Oregano oil topically to defeat sepsis. Stunning.
Therefore, NAHS is my go-to source for oregano and all other oils of medicinal value, including Black Seed Oil.
I now work directly with the North American Herb and Spice company,
NOTB Recommended Black Seed Oil Products
With every order over £30 we ship a free SinuOrega worth £9.99
With every order over £60 we ship a free larger SinuOrega worth £14.99
Free p&p over £50

If buying for the health benefits, only the very best will do.
The Manufacturer's blurb:
"...North American Herb & Spice Black Seed Freshly cold-pressed oil supplements North American Herb & Spice (NAHS) is the world leader in producing the highest quality black seed oil supplements available.
This black seed and the cold-pressed oil are the most potent, aromatic complexes known, 100% remote Mediterranean source. Concerning taste and efficacy, there is no comparison.
NAHS's black seed supplements are dense, natural sources of the all-important nutrients which are key for supporting overall cardiovascular health: thymoquinone, carvacrol, and plant sterols.
Thymoquinone accounts for the great potency of black seed for supporting overall heart, arterial, lung, kidney, and digestive health, as well as supporting the health of the immune system...."
Pure Black Seed Oil
255 ml and 355 ml
This is pure, whole food, premium-grade, Turkish Mediterranean source, cold-pressed 100% black seed oil, without any other added ingredients.
The most potent power is available for total cardiovascular support.
It packs three power-houses together, thymoquinone-rich oil of black seed, Mediterranean pomegranate concentrate, and muscadine skin concentrate.
You get four great potencies: thymoquinone, which works in the heart and on the brain stem, resveratrol, ellagic acid, and punicalagins.

1000 mg gel caps for convenience, ideal for those who seek a daily, metered dose of black seed oil, 100% cold-pressed.
The optimal dose is at least two capsules daily.
(please note these are seeds and not oil)
This is NAHS's original, pulverized black seed plus brown cumin seed and red sour grape formula, a powerhouse for supporting a healthy, overall cardiovascular response and also a healthy digestive and lung response.
A true digestive support supplement, it is delicious when added to any food, as well as smoothies.
This is the ideal way to gain the full benefit of the seed and more.
ABSORB-MAX TQ Black Seed Oil sublingual drops deliver maximum absorption of key active ingredients, including thymoquinone.
With its superior taste from raw, organic yacon, it can be taken by children and is an excellent prebiotic from the black seed and the yacon.
Ideal for supporting immune, digestive, and cardiac health.

Black seed oil has been used to treat a variety of health conditions. As a result, it has sometimes been referred to as “panacea” — or universal healer (Source, Source).
High in antioxidants
Black seed oil is high in antioxidants — plant compounds that help protect cells against damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals (Source, Source, Source, Source).
Antioxidants reduce inflammation and protect against conditions like heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer (Source).
Black seed oil is rich in thymoquinone, which has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
Studies suggest this compound may protect brain health and aid in treating several types of cancer (Source, Source, Source, Source).
Research has shown that black seed oil, and specifically thymoquinone in the oil, may help in treating asthma by reducing inflammation and relaxing muscles in the airway ( Source, Source, Source).
One study in 80 adults with asthma found that taking 500 mg of black seed oil capsules twice a day for 4 weeks significantly improved asthma control (Source).
Weight loss
Research shows that black seed oil may help reduce body mass index (BMI) in individuals with obesity, metabolic syndrome, or type 2 diabetes (Source, Source).
In one 8-week study, 90 women ages 25–50 with obesity were given a low calorie diet and either a placebo or 1 gram of black seed oil per meal for a total of 3 grams per day ( Source).
At the end of the study, those taking the black seed oil had lost significantly more weight and waist circumference than the placebo group. The oil group also experienced significant improvements in triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels (Source).
May lower blood sugar levels
For individuals with diabetes, consistently high blood sugar levels have been shown to increase the risk of future complications, including kidney disease, eye disease, and stroke (Source).
Several studies in individuals with type 2 diabetes indicate that a dose of 2 grams per day of crushed whole black seeds may significantly reduce fasting blood sugar levels and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels, a measure of average blood sugar levels over 2–3 months (Source, Source, Source).
While most studies use black seed powder in capsules, black seed oil has also been shown to help lower blood sugar levels (Source).
One study in 99 adults with type 2 diabetes found that both 1/3 teaspoon (1.5 mL) and 3/5 teaspoon (3 mL) per day of black seed oil for 20 days significantly reduced HbA1c levels, compared with a placebo (26).
May help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Black seed oil has also been studied for its potential effectiveness in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Two studies, one in 90 women with obesity and the other in 72 adults with type 2 diabetes, found that taking 2–3 grams of black seed oil capsules per day for 8–12 weeks significantly reduced LDL (bad) and total cholesterol levels (Source, ).
Another study in 90 people with high cholesterol levels observed that consuming 2 teaspoons (10 grams) of black seed oil after eating breakfast for 6 weeks significantly reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol levels (Source).
The oil may also help lower blood pressure.
One study in 70 healthy adults noted that 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 mL) of black seed oil twice a day for 8 weeks significantly reduced blood pressure levels, compared with a placebo (Source).
Brain health
Neuroinflammation is inflammation of brain tissue. It’s thought to play an important role in the development of diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s (Source, Source).
Early test-tube and animal research suggests that thymoquinone in black seed oil may reduce neuroinflammation. Therefore, it may help protect against brain disorders like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease (Source, Source, Source, Source).
However, there’s currently very little research on the effectiveness of black seed oil in humans specifically regarding the brain.
One study in 40 healthy older adults found significant improvements in measures of memory, attention, and cognition after taking 500 mg of N. sativa capsules twice a day for 9 weeks (Source).
Still, more research is needed to confirm black seed oil’s protective effects for brain health.
Skin and hair
In addition to medical uses, black seed oil is commonly used topically to help with a variety of skin conditions and to hydrate hair.
Research suggests that due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, black seed oil may help in treating a few skin conditions, including (Source, Source):
general dry skin
Despite claims that the oil can also help hydrate hair and reduce dandruff, no clinical studies support these claims.
Anticancer effects. Test-tube studies have shown thymoquinone in black seed oil to help control the growth and spread of several types of cancer cells (39Trusted Source, 40Trusted Source).
Reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, limited research suggests that black seed oil may help reduce joint inflammation in people with rheumatoid arthritis (Source, Source, Source).
Male infertility. Limited research suggests that black seed oil may improve semen quality in men diagnosed with infertility
This study was conducted on Iranian infertile men with inclusion criteria of abnormal sperm morphology less than 30% or sperm counts below 20×10(6)/ml or type A and B motility less than 25% and 50% respectively. The patients in N. sativa oil group (n=34) received 2.5mlN. sativa oil and placebo group (n=34) received 2.5ml liquid paraffin two times a day orally for 2 months. At baseline and after 2 months, the sperm count, motility and morphology and semen volume, pH and round cells as primary outcomes were determined in both groups. Results showed that sperm count, motility and morphology and semen volume, pH and round cells were improved significantly in N. sativa oil treated group compared with placebo group after 2 months. I
t is concluded that daily intake of 5ml N. sativa oil for two months improves abnormal semen quality in infertile men without any adverse effects.
Antifungal. Black seed oil has also been shown to have antifungal activities. In particular, it may protect against Candida albicans, which is a yeast that can lead to candidiasis (Source, Source).
Further research is needed
While early research shows promise in the applications of black seed oil, more studies in humans are needed to confirm these effects and the optimal dosage.
When taking Black Seed Oil orally we advise (particularly if you are already on any form of medication), that you first seek approval from your medical practitioner.
Side effects from oral consumption are quite rare, with most reports being easily explained as the user having ignored dosage and strength recommendations before starting out.
The most common mistake people tend to make with Black Seed Oil is by taking too much too soon, or by starting out on too strong an oil. This will usually begin to rid toxins from the body far too quickly, and can set off your body’s defence mechanism (which will cause the body to fight against the oil rather than alongside it – usually resulting in vomiting).
This is why we insist that you begin with our Original oil on a low dosage, and then build up the dose and strength gradually, until you reach your desired results. Going through the gradual build-up process will help rid toxins from the body at a less detectable rate, and then when detox has been completed it will begin to help strengthen your immune system.
Most people will notice increased ‘belching’ after consuming Black Seed Oil, which can continue throughout the day. This is completely normal, and most users tend to find that the belching will gradually fade away after a few days/ weeks of taking the oil.
Because of the lack of research in this particular area, we do not recommend Black seed oil to be taken by pregnant women, nor for Black Seed Oil to be used while breast-feeding.
Oral consumption of our oils is not recommended for children under 5 years old. Children under 12 should take half the adult dosage.
We do not under any circumstances recommend substituting any medically prescribed items with Black Seed Oil – unless you have first sought professional medical advice from your GP.
Black Seed Oil is commonly used (and known to be very effective) for lowering blood pressure. We therefore advise monitoring your blood pressure closely whilst taking the oil – particularly if you are being administered any other form of blood pressure medication.
Black Seed Oil has been known to be very effective at helping to lower blood sugar. Whilst many Diabetics use the oil for this reason, it is important (particularly if you are on any form of blood-sugar medication) that you closely monitor your blood sugar levels.
Black Seed Oil is often used to help thin the blood and slow down clotting. If you are taking any other blood-clotting medication we urge you to seek advice from your GP prior to taking Black Seed Oil.
Due to the bottling environment of our seeds, oil, and capsules; we must inform you that our products may contain traces of nuts.
*It should be noted that as with everything in life – allergic reactions are still possible. If you notice any adverse effects – stop consuming the product immediately and seek professional advice from a GP.
Buy with NOTB from our Black Seed Oil shop
Shipment is direct from the NAHS warehouse.
Our website often contains general medical and health information.
This information is designed to kickstart your research.
This information is not medical advice and should not be treated as such.
Always research everything for yourself and use due diligence.
Please consult with your healthcare professional when making decisions.