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Writer's picture: Mark PlayneMark Playne

There is a new Anonymous whistleblowing channel for Nurses & Healthcare workers in Australia on Telegram.

They share verified experiences from frontline workers who see firsthand the damage caused by COVID-19 vaccinations.

These submissions have been vetted by a collective of health professionals. Some details may be omitted, your identity will be protected. AHPRA has gagged, coerced and threatened anyone who comes forward - let's save some lives.

This channel is dedicated to all frontline workers around the world. This is Australia. This is for you.

Read a small selection of the fast-growing testimonies below

Whistleblower #0026

Registered Midwife, WA.


AHPRA Verified ✅

Hello, Thank you so much for the work you are doing.

I’m a Registered Midwife in W.A. and until I resigned on Wednesday Sep 21, I had been working at the biggest hospital in the South West region. When RANZCOG and the ACM came out with their guidelines stating the c19 vax was safe for pregnancy, the directive from the hospital was to promote it hard.

At the hospital clinic I know of 2 women that received their first doses and they subsequently lost their babies;

1st dose at 34 weeks and 2 days, fetal death in utero at 36 weeks

1st dose 28+2, fetal death in utero 29 weeks I know of other women in the community under 20 weeks as reported to me by midwives that work with General Practice obstetricians;

1st dose 12+6, miscarriage 13 weeks

1st dose 17 +5, miscarriages 18 weeks

1st dose 12 weeks, miscarriage 12+2

Now, I know correlation does not mean causation, but it certainly should be investigated. Only one of the above cases have been reported. I fear many won’t be and they will be lumped into the 1:4 pregnancy loss statistic.

It’s not something that is asked (vaccine status) when women come to the hospital with a loss, so many may fall through and be missed.

I mentioned it to a doctor and they didn’t see the connection. I’m so sad to leave a job I love, but this isn’t health. This is something entirely different.

Whistleblower #0027

RN, Public Hospital, Melbourne, VIC.

27/09/21. AHPRA Verified ✅

I am a Registered Nurse working for a large public hospital in Melbourne.

A significant amount of our patients have had the covid vaccine and are presenting to us as transfers from ED, presenting with chest pain, shortness of breath, neurological symptoms , headaches and fevers. These patients are being found to have confirmed mini strokes (TIA), Pulmonary Embolisms, neurological disorders, severe headaches and deranged pathology resulting particularly often in acute kidney injury.

The most concerning of these presentations is the fact that majority of these patients range from 20-70 years old. One female patient in her 30’s presented with a body temperature of 40 degrees and has since been found to have multiple bilateral PE’s.

There has been no documentation or discussion from Doctors linking these patients symptoms with their recent covid vaccination. These patients were healthy and fully functioning people pre vaccination.

We’re also having to palliate patients at a concerning rate due to acute deterioration. Most of these patients are dying from respiratory failure or suffering a massive stroke.

All nurses in my clinical area have now been vaccinated besides myself. Some have told me they were coerced into getting it by management.

I am counting down the days now until I’m fired for not wanting the vaccine.

Our current staffing is awful, I hate to think how bad it will be after October 15th when unvaccinated nurses are mercilessly terminated from employment. I feel for the patients who will fall through the gaps of our already stressed healthcare system.

Whistleblower #0028

Registered Midwife, Small Rural Hospital.

28/09/21. AHPRA Verified ✅


I'm a Midwife in a small rural hospital.

We recently admitted a woman who's baby had unfortunately died in utero and was subsequently stillborn. She was in her third trimester and she'd had her 2nd dose of Pfizer just 3 days before she stopped feeling the baby moving.

When I questioned my manager if this was going to be reported to the TGA she talked to the doctor and he said no, because there was no evidence of the two being linked.

I can't help but wonder...what if nobody else is reporting events like this either because they all think there is no evidence?

Whistleblower #0025

Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist, Metropolitan Hospital, NSW.


Hi there,

I am a senior Nurse (CNS2) in a metropolitan hospital, NSW.

My usual role is in Cardiology.

My lengthy career is ending this week, after decades in the acute sector.

I have seen many patients both in ED and Cardiology with vaccine SE’s .

These are LARGELY under-recognised, and RARELY reported. I have told relatives to make their own TGA reports as reporting in the acute sector is NOT HAPPENING.

Doctors are RARELY attributing the various conditions to vaccination, but when you take a history it is very easy to join the dots.

Heart attacks (all ages), acute myocarditis / pericarditis, DRASTIC deterioration in EF (ejection fraction – index of heart’s pumping strength), ie worsening in heart failure.

I understand that many are presenting with strokes, and other neurological complications.

Diabetes has been far more unstable in some, and difficult to manage, with very labile BSLs.

I have seen colleagues with gastrointestinal SE, recurrent pneumonias

Many non- injected, including myself have experienced symptoms from spike protein transmission (shedding).

GI pain (severe), headaches, migraines, sleep disturbance.

I have seen bizarre changes in pathology, huge drops in, and derangements in biochemistry (Na, kidney function).

I had a secondment in Aged Care and after the vaccination was rolled out in Facilities, saw MANY acute deteriorations, with increases in death rates above normal

Loss of speech, loss of mobility, chest infections.

My sister in law works in community aged care, and has seen MANY SE as well. Renal Failure, siezures, acute loss of mobility with resultant falls.

Many of the elderly she has cared for and knows well have had their death hastened, or had to move into residential care as they now cannot manage at home.

Thanks for helping us to get our stories out there.

Whistleblower #0023

RN, Regional NSW.

27/09/21. AHPRA Verified ✅

Reported by REGISTERED NURSE from Regional NSW:

(1). 62 year old with blood clot on lung post AstraZeneca- ICU admission

(2). 35 year old with severe headaches and blood clot on brain- ICU admission 2 weeks- sent home to have MRIs every 2 weeks as followup

(3). 27 Year old Male- Pericarditis following Pfizer

(4). 19 Year old female- cardiac arrest 3 days post pfizer (deceased)

...and many others.

V status not being consistently asked or documented in eMR- medical team not looking to make correlation. Medical team worried about AHPRA and their careers if they speak out.

This is not what we signed up for!

Whistleblower #0001.


RN, Community. QLD.

AHPRA Verified ✅


I’m a community RN on the —— , Qld.

I am seeing and caring for adversely affected clients who have had the vaccines and are quite literally dying. Our palliative care is increasing at an exponential rate, people are getting diagnosed with terminal conditions and dying quickly. We (community nurses) are seeing 2-3 palliative clients per day each, this is a massive increase from 1-2 each per week. Other palliative clients who haven’t been vaxxed, then their families talk them into the vax, die more quickly than expected.

Have noted that those who are vaxxed that their clinically ‘weak’ areas are being exacerbated. Appears to be at 3, 5 then 12 week patterned intervals. Not one of them associate with the C19vax.

Had one man in his 70’s in very stable remission with leukemia for years. Within 3 weeks of having ‘the vaccine’ his white cell count dropped so he had neutropenia. He suddenly developed in 24 hours bilateral cellulitis to both legs up to thighs. 9 weeks later, he is dead.

Those with rheumatoid arthritis who have been jabbed experiencing related consistency of flare ups. Getting all sorts of skin infections for no obvious reasoning. They’re having constant medication reviews and increasing analgesia.

3 x clients with healing venous ulcers, all 3 had the jab, 3 weeks later all developed septicemia all with hard to treat bacteria.

Those with cardiac conditions who were clinically stable on medication for years, suddenly no longer stable. Arrhythmias, unstable blood pressure, syncope, falls, increased hospitalisations.

Cancers: seeing massive increase in skin cancers. They’re growing very quickly and aggressively.

Cognition: clients who have been vaxxed and predisposed to some memory issues, increasing episodic bouts of confusion with accompanying amnesia and increasing STML.

Of my nursing colleagues who have been vaxxed, noticing increasing sick leave being taken.



Community RN

Whistleblower #0006


RN. Aged Care, NSW.


I am (was) a Registered Nurse in Aged Care in NSW.

I was terminated from my job there over a week ago now for declining the jab.

The facility had a covid clinic where the masses received Pfizer.

On the day as they had left over stock the staff were then offered jabs which many of them didn't feel comfortable but got because the management where there on the day saying things like "come on just get it, don't be ridiculous, if you can't trust the science what can you trust" one staff member declined twice, the third time she was pushed into getting it (all on the same day) I seen this as pure bullying and coercion, she submitted and got the jab.

The next day a resident died (nobody batted an eyelid) within three days post jab another two residents died.

Over the course of the next three weeks we lost in total 6 residents all who had significantly declined overall and not to mention a lot of other residents declining overall and becoming unwell.

The second jab clinic, within the first week, we had five people end up in hospital who then died, shortness of breath, heart issues, others the residence getting rashes not being able to lift their arm up, acting as delirious state, within the next week after that another 5 residents died.

In total within the 3 months roll out of the jab, we had 14 deaths of vaccinated residents.

In a nursing home with 90 residents most of the staff are commenting on how unheard of this amount of death was but when questioned in relation to the jab many were in denial stating it couldn't be from that.

Over the course of three months watching the staff who had been injected so many staff off on sick leave a few staff members ended up in the hospital one for heart reasons the other one had blistering rashes all over her body she ended up being admitted twice, mass reports of headaches lasting days to weeks, dizziness, just generally reporting to not feeling right since having it. The fear in the eyes of the staff is something I will never forget. Other staff feeling completely deflated as they could lose there jobs and had to submit to the jab, In which some after were crying to me at how much they just felt defeated. I have many things to say in relation to this, I could write a novel.

I know just within the week and a half of not being there they are struggling to fill shifts, which sadly impacts on everyone, residents and staff the only people it doesn't effect is the management.

I love being a nurse but I just can't do it in this current situation it no longer aligns with what I believe health to be. It is a sad and devastating time.


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