A group of scientists and doctors have gathered the evidence we have been waiting for and published a paper in the Lancet that was censored within 24hrs.
The paper collated 325 autopsies of the vaccinated and found that an incredible 74% of them had indeed died from one of the C19 vaccines
These are the paper's authors.
Nicolas HulscherBS
Paul E. Alexander, PhD
Richard Amerling, MD
Heather Gessling, MD
Roger Hodkinson, MD
William Makis, MD
Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD
Mark Trozzi, MD
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
This landmark paper reviewed the largest number of autopsy reports published to date relating to COVID-19 vaccination, injury and sudden death.
They identified 44 papers with 325 autopsy cases and three physicians (including myself) independently reviewed all deaths and found:
74% of all deaths were either caused or contributed to by COVID vaccines
53% of these deaths involved the cardiovascular system
17% of these deaths involved the hematological system
8% of these deaths involved the respiratory system
7% of these deaths involved multiple organ systems
The mean number of days from vaccination to death was 14.3 days.
COVID-19 vaccines should be immediately taken off the market and the entire LNP/mRNA platform should be suspended and thoroughly investigated.
As you know Not On The Beeb has been calling a withdrawal of the vaccine and calling for an investigation since the summer of 2021
If you have not already done so, please sign our petition
Petition requesting urgent investigation and analysis of the C19 Vaccines
To the British Police, Judiciary, Crown Prosecution Service and members of Parliament. The people of Britain (and the world) request the British police seize multiple sample vials of the C19 vaccines and conduct an immediate open, independent and detailed analysis of the contents. ​ The signatories of this petition back the work of lawyers Lois Bayliss and Philip Hyland working alongside Dr Samuel White, Mark Sexton and team submitting evidence under Hammersmith Police crime number: 6029679/21 1 - Why are so many people suffering adverse events and death after COVID-19 vaccinations? ​ 2 - Why are so many of our fittest sportspeople collapsing and suffering myocarditis, heart attacks and death post-vaccination? ​ 3 - Why have the vaccine manufacturers withheld ingredients? Undisclosed ingredients are illegal and involve the deception of the public. ​ 4 - Why have independent scientific reports of Graphene Oxide and other contaminants not been publically investigated? ​ 5 - Why are the various batches of the vaccine clearly different? As per VAERS data, most adverse reactions are coming from a few batches. This clearly indicates suspect manufacturing. ​ 6 - With all these doubts concerning safety, why is the vaccine rollout continuing in British schools 7 - As of December 6th 2022 why has such a product with such a record been authorised for our youngest children between 6 months and 4 years old? ​ NOTE>>> If you are a nurse, doctor, health professional, scientist, or have releva. nt qualifications, please sign the Health expert's petition I, the undersigned, request the British police seize samples of the vaccine and instigate an urgent public scientific review, regarding the safety, legitimacy and ethical implications of the ingredients and the biotechnology that are causing widespread serious adverse reactions post-COVID-19 vaccination. ​ Concerning the vaccination programme, we request an immediate injunction forcing a nationwide pause on the roll-out for all age ranges until we have clear answers from the police investigations.