We have a special report on nervous system orders this week.
The data below contains the British MHRA Yellow Card reporting of reported adverse events up to 5th Jan 2022
Overall for every 120 of the people jabbed, one person ends up filling in a Yellow Card Adverse Event.
However, due to the poor training of health professionals very few will correctly attribute real vaccine adverse events to the vaccine.
Worse, even when health professionals do recognise the links, they are often discouraged from filling in the reports, or, simply don't have the time.
It is estimated by official government bodies that only 1-10% of adverse events are reported.
DATA for doses 1 & 2
• Pfizer - 25.3million people - 47.2m doses - Yellow Card reporting rate - 1-in-162 people impacted
• Astrazeneca - 24.9m people - 49.1m doses - Yellow Card reporting rate - 1-in-103 people impacted
• Moderna - 1.6m people - 3m doses - Yellow Card reporting rate - 1-in-50 people impacted
3rd Doses AKA Adult Booster = 34,834,288
Booster Yellow Card Reports
24,402 (Pfizer)
371 (AZ)
13,156 (Moderna)
121 (Unknown)
Total = 38,050
156,250 (Pfizer)
241,657 (AZ)
32,133 (Moderna)
1442 (Unknown)
Total = 431,482 people
684 (Pfizer)
1182 (AZ)
29 (Moderna)
37 (Unknown)
Total = 1932
Blood Disorders - 16,056 (Pfizer) + 7728 (AZ) + 2228 (Moderna) + 62 (Unknown) = 26,074
Pulmonary Embolism & Deep Vein Thrombosis - 801 (Pfizer) + 2991 (AZ) + 73 (Moderna) + 25 (Unknown) = 3890
Anaphylaxis - 615 (Pfizer) + 863 (AZ) + 76 (Moderna) + 2 (Unknown) = 1556
Acute Cardiac - 10,703 (Pfizer) + 10,766 (AZ) + 2408 (Moderna) + 83 (Unknown) = 23,960
Pericarditis/Myocarditis - 1047 (Pfizer) + 414 (AZ) + 256 (Moderna) + 6 (Unknown) = 1723
Infections - 10,568 (Pfizer) + 19,679 (AZ) + 1861 (Moderna) + 136 (Unknown) = 32,244
Herpes - 2048 (Pfizer) + 2639 (AZ) + 208 (Moderna) + 20 (Unknown) = 4915
Blindness - 142 (Pfizer) + 309 (AZ) + 23 (Moderna) + 4 (Unknown) = 478
Eye Disorders - 7310 (Pfizer) + 14,641 (AZ) + 1276 (Moderna) + 82 (Unknown) = 23,309
Deafness - 268 (Pfizer) + 418 (AZ) + 40 (Moderna) + 4 (Unknown) = 730
Spontaneous Abortions - 425 + 1 premature baby death + 1 miscarriage related death/ 13 stillbirth/foetal deaths (9 recorded as fatal) (Pfizer) + 229 + 5 stillbirth (AZ) + 51 (Moderna) + 4 (Unknown) = 709 miscarriages
Skin Disorders - 31,329 (Pfizer) + 52,749 (AZ) + 11,702 (Moderna) + 308 (Unknown) = 96,088
Psychiatric Disorders - 9307 (Pfizer) + 18,117 (AZ) + 2075 (Moderna) + 104 (Unknown) = 29,603
Headaches & Migraines - 33,635 (Pfizer) + 93,545 (AZ) + 8280 (Moderna) + 323 (Unknown) = 135,783
Vomiting - 4914 (Pfizer) + 11,594 (AZ) + 1587 (Moderna) + 59 (Unknown) = 18,154
Nervous System Disorders - 75,192 (Pfizer) + 180,996 (AZ) + 17,398 (Moderna) + 816 (Unknown) = 274,402
Strokes and CNS haemorrhages - 707 (Pfizer) + 2245 (AZ) + 34 (Moderna) + 13 (Unknown) = 2999
Guillain-Barré Syndrome - 83 (Pfizer) + 483 (AZ) + 9 (Moderna) + 6 (Unknown) = 581
Facial Paralysis incl. Bell’s Palsy - 1001 (Pfizer) + 978 (AZ) + 119 (Moderna) + 10 (Unknown) = 2108
Tremor - 2020 (Pfizer) + 9897 (AZ) + 570 (Moderna) + 50 (Unknown) = 13,538
Seizures - 1023 (Pfizer) + 2028 (AZ) + 232 (Moderna) + 16 (Unknown) = 3299
Paralysis - 463 (Pfizer) + 855 (AZ) + 81 (Moderna) + 8 (Unknown) = 1407
Respiratory Disorders - 19,633 (Pfizer) + 29,211 (AZ) + 3489 (Moderna) + 185 (Unknown) = 52,518
Reproductive/Breast Disorders - 27,738 (Pfizer) + 20,196 (AZ) + 4211 (Moderna) + 177 (Unknown) = 52,322
Suspected side effects reported in individuals under 18yrs old
• Pfizer - 3,000,000 children (1st doses) plus 900,000 second doses resulting in 2471 Yellow Cards
• AZ - 11,600 children (1st doses) plus 10,000 second doses resulting in 248 Yellow Cards - Reporting rate 1-in-47
• Moderna - 21,500 children (1st doses) and 16,000 second doses resulting in 16 Yellow cards
• Brand Unspecified - 11 Yellow Cards
Total = 3,033,100 children injected
Total Yellow Cards Under 18s = 2746
SOURCE: See Annex One for full reports including 336 pages of specific reaction listings - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting
Below represents the most prevalently reported NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS AND SYMPTOMS experienced, not exhaustively listed.
TOTAL NERVOUS SYSTEM REACTIONS = 273,586 involving likely in excess of 100,000 people. Some people may have reported more than one reaction per report.
Sleep Paralysis - 29 (Pfizer) + 25 (AZ) + 5 (Moderna) = 59
Guillain-Barré Syndrome - 83 (Pfizer) + 483 (AZ) + 9 (Moderna) = 575
Strokes & CNS Haemorrhages - 707 (Pfizer) + 2245 (AZ) + 34 (Moderna) = 2986
Cerebrovascular Venous & Sinus Thrombosis - 66 (Pfizer) + 304 (AZ) + 3 (Moderna) = 373
Co-ordination & Balance - 629 (Pfizer) + 1332 (AZ) + 92 (Moderna) = 2053
Disturbances of Consciousness - 8932 (Pfizer) + 10,829 (AZ) + 1911 (Moderna) = 19,672
Facial Nerve Disorders including Bell’s Palsy - 1163 (Pfizer) + 1211 (AZ) + 137 (Moderna) = 2511
Headaches - 30,009 (Pfizer) + 85,153 (AZ) + 7512 (Moderna) = 122,674
Sciatica - 119 (Pfizer) + 234 (AZ) + 10 (Moderna) = 363
Memory Loss & Amnesia - 438 (Pfizer) + 860 (AZ) + 65 (Moderna) = 1363
Mental Impairment excluding Dementia & Memory Loss - 507 (Pfizer) + 1122 (AZ) + 102 (Moderna) = 1731
Migraine - 3626 (Pfizer) + 8892 (AZ) + 768 (Moderna) = 13,286
Multiple Sclerosis - 63 (Pfizer) + 134 (AZ) + 7 (Moderna) = 204
Myelitis Transverse - 30 (Pfizer) + 106 (AZ) + 2 (Moderna) = 138
Dizziness - 11,520 (Pfizer) + 24,909 (AZ) + 3103 (Moderna) = 39,532
Paraesthesia & Dysaesthesia (chronic burning sensation, pricking nerve pain) - 8526 (Pfizer) + 17,474 (AZ) + 1555 (Moderna) = 27,555
Paralysis & Paresis - 463 (Pfizer) + 855 (AZ) + 81 (Moderna) = 1399
Peripheral Neuropathies - 168 (Pfizer) + 368 (AZ) + 19 (Moderna) = 555
Seizures - 1023 (Pfizer) + 2028 (AZ) + 232 (Moderna) = 3283
Speech & Language Abnormalities - 344 (Pfizer) + 667 (AZ) + 54 (Moderna) = 1065
Transient Cerebrovascular Event - 171 (Pfizer) + 514 (AZ) + 14 (Moderna) = 699
Tremor - 2020 (Pfizer) + 9897 (AZ) + 570 (Moderna) = 12,487
Trigeminal Disorder - 85 (Pfizer) + 160 (AZ) + 4 (Moderna) = 249
Sensory Abnormalities - 3275 (Pfizer) + 6288 (AZ) + 533 (Moderna) = 10,096
Freezing Phenomena - 15 (Pfizer) + 161 (AZ) + 11 (Moderna) = 187
Narcolepsy, Cataplexy & Hypersomnia - 127 (Pfizer) + 251 (AZ) + 24 (Moderna) = 402
SOURCE: For full reports including 25 pages of nervous system specific reaction listings - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions
If you have suffered any form of adverse reaction and are a UK citizen please fill in a witness statement for the case being presented by Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss, Mark Sexton, Dr Samuel White and team.
The lawyers have won more time and request more witness statements!
Please note this is NOT for financial compensation but for an injunction to pause the rollout, whilst safety is established and investigated.
The C19 vaccines are still in stage three trials and are under a black triangle status.
Just a heads up, here is also a searchable database thanks to UK Column.