Since the inception of life on this planet, no plant, animal or human has ever been magnetic. Within the last couple of months, we are discovering for the first time in history, that humans are indeed showing new magnetic properties.
What has happened?
When I first saw a video of a magnet sticking to the arm of somebody, I smiled and quickly flicked by to something of real interest. Then someone sent me another magnet video. I hesitated slightly and moved on to some- thing else. That evening, two friends called me to confirm their findings. Anne had been at a dinner party and had waited until the guests were relaxed on their second bottle of wine before pulling her magnet out. Carl, had filmed himself attaching a magnet to the arm of his mother and it had gone viral.
A quick search on the internet found the usual suspect ‘fact checkers’ de- bunking this magnet phenomenon - a clear telltale sign of a coverup. My ‘favourite’ fact checker of all Snopes, had featured Carl’s video of his mother calling it fake. There was only one thing to do–I packed my camera, jumped on the train down to the South Coast to find out for myself–whether a magnet would be attracted to his mother's arm, or not.
Carl quickly demonstrated the spot of magnetism on his mother. Even though I was inches away, I asked Carl to take the camera so I could try for myself. Feeling a magnet being tugged out of your hand, by a subtle yet defined magnetic force from under the skin of a living human being, is quite a shock. As children, we all played with magnets. Delighted to see them jump and spin. To test what they stuck to, and what objects they didn’t. And, when we let go of them, no magnet ever stuck to our fingers.
Sensing the magnet being repelled, and trying to flip so that the correct polar- ity was in contact with the skin, was mind-blowing. We had just established the basics on camera. The magnet had stuck to Carl’s mother’s arm due to an indisputable magnetic attraction. The fact checkers, including Snopes, Reuters, the BBC reality check and Fact Check– alongside a multitude of US main stream TV channels–were deceiving the public.
You can see the short documentary we made via the Not On The Beeb web-site called ‘The Magnet Challenge - True or False?’
The call out for people to take up the #magnetchallenge using neodymium magnets was working and the videos were appearing on social media from all over the world. Our next step was to take a team to St James Park on the day of the 29th of May London Freedom protest to ask random people to take part in the Mag- net Challenge on film. We were joined by Dr T. As we were setting up, news came in that the BBC had made a joint announcement with the NHS, calling for the banning of neodymium magnets claiming they were now deemed a risk to children. A coincidence? Maybe. However, we suspected that drawing such flack with such precise timing, confirmed that we were over the target. Our walk-about challenge within the park caused a mixed bag of reactions. Some were near tears, two young Israelis refused to accept the fact staring them in the face and others laughed it off–even if nervously. Importantly, Dr T a UK trained doctor, had now verified our findings on camera.
You can also see the short film ‘The Magnet Challenge with Dr T’ on our web- site.
The declared ingredients are water, and in various complex forms, sugars, salt, and fats. But these substances are not magnetic, which leads us to the possibility that there might be undisclosed ingredients, or that the vaccine possibly contains a component of undisclosed biotechnology. We contacted lawyers, who have informed us that any undeclared ingredients could lead to an injunction - which could stop the vaccine rollout. Yes, worth reading that sentence twice.
INVESTIGATION INTO THE BIOTECHNOLOGY Watch this website for updates,
TITLE: Review the effect of C19 vaccinations inducing cellular magnetism.
REQUEST: We request an urgent public parliamentary review regarding the safety, legitimacy and ethical implications of the ingredients and biotechnology that are making people magnetic post C19 vaccination.
REASON: It is a medically established fact that thousands of British citizens have discovered parts of their bodies have become magnetic after receiving one of the Covid vaccinations. The disclosed ingredients contain water, sugar, salts and fats. None of these ingredients are magnetic. Undisclosed ingredients are illegal. Undisclosed biotechnology involves the deception of the public.
LETTER OF REJECTION Sorry, we can’t accept your petition “...Review the effect of C19 vaccinations inducing cellular magnetism..."
We cannot publish petitions that contain false or unproven statements. This includes unsubstantiated claims that Covid-19 vaccines make people magnetic.
You can read an article debunking these claims here: https://
They have denied a medically proven fact. The Reuter's link does not even refer to magnetism, instead to emitted EMFs. Simply put, they are suppressing the story.
To give an idea of the scope of this censorship, even the hashtag #magnetchallenge has been tampered with on FB, YT and Insta producing results are solely debunking videos.
WHAT CAN WE ALL DO? Biomagnetism is bioterrorism.
The people have been deceived on a scale never before seen. We now need to create a storm of public outrage, waking up medical professionals, legal experts and the politicians to this crime against the British people.
All we need to do, is present the above professionals with clear indisputable evidence in front of their eyes. This is how you can help.
All you need is a willing vaccinated subject and a neodymium magnet!
The seven steps to end this madness.
1 - Buy a dozen or more neodymium magnets and carry out the Magnet Challenge
2 - Report the vaccine-induced-magnetism in two places yourself. —- Yellow card - Official government adverse event database for MHRA
—- Not On the Beeb - Independent adverse event survey
3 - Sign the people’s petition calling for our next parliamentary petition to be accepted.
4 - MEDICAL - Report the magnetism to go to their GP or A&E and ask the health doctor to log a yellow card report. Please also the Doctor to sign our health professional’s petition verifying his observations.
5 - POLITICAL - Ask your local MP to witness the biomagnetism and take action.
6 - LEGAL - Report a crime at your local police station.
7 - Spread the word. Ask everyone to meet to repeat the challenge, carrying out the above steps.
This is our best chance to awaken those not aware of one the greatest crimes against humanity.
WHAT HELPS THE BIOMAGETISM? Since electro magnetic frequencies seem to be a huge factor in the multi- component-effect we are witnessing, it is worth considering avoiding areas of high EMFs, for instance electric cars and being cautious of scans like MRIs.
Many substances may work. HCQ, Ivermectin, pine needle tea and some essential oils are just a few, not forgetting the best of them all–our own immune system! For links to all the information mentioned above and more, visit our website. We will win this. Stay healthy. Stay fearless and keep smiling. Mark - Not On The Beeb