This 2020 speech by John Mugufi had many of us crying with laughter.
The president had done some basic tests on the validity of the c19 PCR test by sending back to the test station swabs that were not of human origin...
He was one of the few World leaders that defied the WHO's pandemic mandates.
My post via the Not On The Beeb Telegram channel on March 17th 2021
My hero of 2020 The funniest speech of the year as he ridiculed the PCR test by sending in samples of fruit and announcing live on TV the positive results. Did his speech and non-compliance on the world Covid stage cause his death? Is this murder? RIP John Magufuli BBC News - John Magufuli: Tanzania's president dies aged 61
I showed an article explaining that the Tazanian President had PCR tests done on papaya and jackfruit, and they both tested positive for Covid-19, to the
Hon. Cherilyn Mackrory, my MP, which makes a laughing stock of the whole Covid-19 testing charade. No comment was her response. . President Magufi trained as a chemist, so he knew something was not right with the PCR tests. A month later he was dead, and many people believe he was assassinated. It is tragic that so many good people have died trying to tell the truth, as the person has commented below.
So tragic all these good people having unexpected early death.
Lets not forget the Japanese Prime Minister that didn't follow the narrative and ended up being assassinated!
RIP friend of the people