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Writer's picture: Mark PlayneMark Playne

Many of you will remember the great work Lois had been doing helping parents formulate letters to schools and her part in the Metropolitan police case of which many members of NOTB aided in collecting witness statements.

She is still being harassed the Solicitor's governing body.


Solicitor's Regulation Authority

The Cube 199 Wharfside Street Birmingham B1 1RN

25th July 2023

Dear Sirs


I refer to your letter dated 21st of April 2023 whereby you confirmed that you would update me by the 21st of July 2023 which said date has now passed. As you will no doubt be aware, I have at all times met with deadlines for responses agreed with the SRA and I am somewhat surprised that the 21st of July 2023 has indeed passed without any acknowledgment or communication from yourself. The fact is, I have received no communication from you since the 21st of April 2023. The SRA is clearly aware of the stress and anxiety these matters can cause to practitioners as evidenced by the fact that you have provided information to these psychological harms with previous correspondence.

Given the circumstances, I would propose that matters are moved forward and to this end I suggest we engage in a round table recorded event to discuss the matters of the allegations made against me. The underlying science behind this case is entirely relevant. It is therefore, strongly suggested that the SRA brings its own legal, medical and scientific team to the table, and I will do the same. This will provide a forum for matters to be discussed openly and frankly, from a detailed exchange of research information as well as statistical data which will be relevant to the case as well as any other matters either party should wish to raise.

I reserve the right to draw this letter to the attention of the court on the issue of costs as it is quite apparent that the SRA have presented no substantive response in rebuttal of the scientific evidence disclosed by me which in itself is fundamental to driving my motivation, nor indeed have they even commented upon the witness evidence (approximately 1,000 emails) and 100s of signed statements of truth regarding adverse events caused by the Covid19 vaccinations. Furthermore, the SRA have failed to substantively respond to complaints against them raised by me and almost 1,000 complaints from members of the public which have comprised of many elements. Not only is this unacceptable but the published times in which a substantive response ought to be expected has been exceeded.

Finally, I would point out that although your investigation against me was initiated in or around February 2022, despite several request from me, you have failed to provide any complaints which have been made against me until April 2023. I am appalled that the SRA has seen fit to deprive me of material disclosure relevant to this case in order that I might properly defend myself prior to the SRA arriving at the decision to refer me to the SDT. This has severely disadvantaged and prejudiced my position which is unacceptable and upon review of the disclosed complaints from April 2023 it is clear you have still failed to provide full material disclosure of the same. As I am sure you are aware, the SRA have previously confirmed in writing to me; “..we are not relying on these complaints” in relation to this action. As I have already indicated, this is clearly nonsensical - but for any complaints, no investigation would have even begun. There is a clear contradiction by the SRA which has yet to be explained.

I look forward to hearing from you with extreme urgency in relation to the above. Please note that this is an open letter and will be released immediately into the public domain (as will your response) as it relates to a matter which is of obvious widespread public interest and is a matter of international importance.

Yours faithfully,

Lois Bayliss

Broad Yorkshire Law



Jul 27, 2023

Stay strong Lois, you are in the right fighting for the justices of all, you are up against the biblical corrupt powers that be. May Yahuah & Yahushua be with you always, may they protect you and strengthen you. This is the whole of humanity's fight, you are one incredible courageous individual & you have my family's full support 🙏❤️


Jul 27, 2023

SRA explain yourself??


Jul 26, 2023

Wishing you success!


Jul 26, 2023

Bravo, I’d love to see a round table with them/you, the evidence is mounting daily, its clear that having started down this route they can see the writing on the wall ……… keep up the great work Lois …… 👏👏👏


Jul 26, 2023

Well done Lois! Thank you for having the courage to address this vitally important issue. You have a lot of support. 🙂


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